Posts tagged Nike SB
Leo Baker Spitfire Wheels Release Party

Leo Baker has a new Spitfire wheel graphic (which we are HERE for), so of course we teamed up with KCDC Skateshop and JuneShine Hard Kombucha to celebrate with an epic evening of Punk Rock Karaoke with about 75 of our closest friends. We heard that if you grab a JuneShine and start singing karaoke that Nora will actually just appear, kind of like Beetlejuice, but more fun and better at skating.

When there’s not enough mics, you can always just pick up the trusty Quell megaphone!

And sing to your friends!

Pretty sure they were singing The Used in this shot….

It’s not a room full of non-men skaters if you’re belting out “What’s Up”!

Man down :( Thank you JuneShine for stocking us up for the party!

Even the energy after the event was hyped! Also - huge shout out to Abi, front and center, our lead filmer and Issue 004 cover photographer for documenting the whole day on film!

NY is so much better with these babes in it - We love you Leo and Mel!!

Space for Everyone: Quell + NYCSP Spend the Day at 2nd Nature

Over the year, the spaces created by NYCSP have become invaluable to the NYC skateboarding community. They have become places for people to meet their new best friends, to try things that scare them, to feel comfortable being themselves, to feel confident in a skate park and most importantly, to have fun.

2nd Nature Skatepark is about 1 1/2 hours north of Williamsburg, Brooklyn and kind of hard to get to without a car. It’s been our dream to bring as many folks as possible up there, for free, for a while now. Thanks to Nike SB, we were able to rent a bus from OvRride, and make that happen!

After skating we watched Carving Space, a short documentary about Queer Skateboarding by Annie Dean-Ganek. You can watch the trailer here.

Check out our photos from the event below

Sleepy babes on the bus captured by Akira

So stoked watching so many folks learning how to skate!

Never underestimate the power of holding your friends hand.

While the clinic was going, everyone else was free to skate and have fun!

Housewife Skateboards had a strong showing at the bowl!

After the emotional documentary screening… we raffled!

Celebrating a Legend: Quell Issue 004 Party Photo Recap

The most wonderful time of the year has finally come. On September 28th we released Issue 004 of our magazine with a party at one of our favorite bars, The Flower Shop. Our cover star, Jaime Reyes herself came through to christen the mag, and signed copies for everyone. Even Lizzie Armanto couldn’t help but snag a signature.

We enjoyed the awesome alcoholic kombucha, Junshine, and honestly had one of the most packed parties yet. Our DJ Carli Nicholas held it down for the night. Lots of legends in the room– The ladies of Skate Kitchen joined us off the wrap of their show, our fave Leo Baker and some even spotted birdman himself, Tony Hawk. We ended the night with a raffle, thank you to Nike SB !

Thank you to everyone for coming and making Issue 004 happen.

Quell + Nike SB host International Womxn’s Day Beginner Clinic

We teamed up with Nike SB to celebrate International Womxn’s by throwing an event with local skateshop, KCDC.

The turnout was incredible with folx from age 4–50! We huddled before the session to learn each other’s names and goals for the day. We were so inspired by how many people came to step on a board for the very first time!

Check out the photos from the event below