BTS “Behind the Lens” with Norma Ibarra

We were so fortunate to publish a series of incredible skate travel photos from Norma Ibarra. Even more fortunate, Norma has been positing some behind the scenes of her “Behind the Lens” interview on Instagram. We wanted to gather a couple of our favorite clips that really capture how she sets up a shot. We swear…no pun intended.

Breana Geering Nose Manual

@breezeana Nose Many to Nollie Tre from a while back in Indonesia and as part of my interview in the new issue of @quellskate. 📽: @sirusf

Itzel Granados

Right before this spot was gone I got to shoot this photo of @itzelgrnds that Is now printed in the new issue of @quellskate. I took the photo during the making of one of @vice + @vans video series by @nat_johns.

Alex White

It’s kind of crazy you can see the exact moment the flash goes off when @thealexwhite drops in.

and a bonus! Norma had footage of another image of Marbie Miller that was published in the body of the magazine.

Double exposures with @marbie.princess.

If you want to see more, shop a copy of Issue 005 right here.

Follow Norma on instagram.