Recap: Ladies Night at Homage Skateboarding Academy with Quell Skate and Sk8babes
We're ending the year off right where we started it, with a womxns night at Homage in Brooklyn. We collaborated with Sk8Babes to bring the best vibes and lots of pizza.
Check out the event photos below
So many helping hands. We love hosting un-structured events because we find that sometimes, friends are the best teachers!
Wish you could have heard the celebration after Sam landed this kickflip rock fakie…
At least you can see it here! Look at the stoke on everyone’s faces! Sam worked hard for that and we love how stoked the whole room got!
Is it even a sesh if someone doesn’t end up in a split?
At the end of the sesh, we all reflected on how much we learned, and how stoked we were to share the time skating together
Thank you to everyone who came out! Can’t wait to have so many more days like this one on the books in 2020!